Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Look what showed up while I was at work today. Sara, who has an anxiety disorder in case any of you don't know that, called in a panic because a "huge sign" was going up in our front yard.

Yeah. I thought she was kidding.

I liked our landlord, really I did. But he's a builder and was just renting this house until he could find a buyer for a lot, then he was planning to knock it down and build a $600,000 luxury home.

I love this little house, even though it's too small. I tore up carpets, painted, put up baseboards. I've spent weekend after weekend after weekend working in this yard. I've worked HARD.

Well, it seems that I worked hard enough that his promise to not aggressively market the lot while we lived here has changed.

I am not amused.


  1. What an asshat. And in this market, while there are so many new, empty, custom-built luxury homes ALREADY on the market, who does he think he's kidding? Greed breeds stupidity I guess.

  2. You know, I knew what I was getting into - but I also believed in someone. I know better than to believe, now.

  3. On the bright side, I suspect no matter HOW aggressively he markets it...his odds of a quick turn-around are not good.

  4. Don't forget that the Succubus worked as a realtor for a while (were you reading Word Garden then?) and the woman has a way of undoing those she is annoyed with. Just sayin'. ;-)

  5. A tough lesson to learn. I wish you the best, maybe that dream house will show up.

  6. What a jerk!
    I wish you had that in writing.

  7. Damn! Are we through trusting men yet? What a week it's been...and it's only Wed!

  8. May he soon be kicked in the crotch!

  9. ...just when things were starting to move in a very positive direction...

    ...isn't it just like LIFE to keep challenging us?!?!

    Hang in there, kiddo...

  10. What an AssBag! Now thats just plain rude! Your front yard is so nice too.... May his marketing give him Herpes!
