OK, it was the garage. But you get the point. It was cleaning day on my pond yesterday and the garage has been full of inaccessible junk for exactly 6 months. That completely defeats the purpose of my 6 month rule. Use it once in a 6 month time period or out it goes. Seasonal items, of course, get different treatment. Some of my Christmas ornaments go back to the 50s and the only get used at Christmas time. They are not going anywhere.
By the way, I gave up quickly on the idea of a garage sale. Nope, too much work. Goodwill got the 7 mismatched chairs, 7 boxes of old clothes, an old TV and two VCRs and any number of useless items that were collecting dust. The garage is rickety, to say the least, so I won't park my car there - it might fall on top of it.
By the end of the day I was exhausted and whiny and in need of some down time. The kids had selected Borat as our movie for the night. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. I still can't decide what my favorite scene could be. But the funniest part of the whole exercise was that my son had no problem watching this crude movie full of male nudity and gay jokes - but he will NOT watch The 40 Year Old Virgin with his mom. Wow. Now I've got to watch the whole thing and see what all the fuss is about.
My house is almost organized. There is extra room everywhere - and that's saying something for a little 900 square foot house stuffed full of people and a dog and two pet rats (meet Nocchi).
Extra space allows for good, new things to enter our world. It's like shaking out the old energy to open a place for good, new things to enter.
I'm ready.
We just cleaned and remodeled the bottom floor of our little house. I anticipated this change realizing that we both needed a change. Little did I know that between signging the contract for the work and the actual work, my life and my daughter's would go through emotional change as well! Luckily we both do fairly well with change as, we are living it in spades! I am reaching that point where I can see that all this change - all this house cleaning - allows for something new to enter. It was time to move along our path... the question now is "what will happen next?!" which is both exciting and thrilling at the same time.
ReplyDeleteWe have to prepare our homes and our hearts in order to allow the space and energy for the new and different.
I like Nocchi! Can I get one for my Lab?
ReplyDeleteCleaning up of source is a never ending process, but one it is done well once, it becomes easier the next time.
That second picture is very cool. The 40-year-old Virgin is funny!
ReplyDeleteKeeping old stuff is a strange thing. I got irritated one day and threw out almost all of the copies of stories from one paper I worked at, and almost all my my stuff from high school. Haven't missed it.
I love cleaning out junk. I also loved Borat. I am looking forward to Bruno, too.
ReplyDeleteI most certainly agree with you that we re-charge ourselves by first clearing our junk ;)
ReplyDeleteI did that two weeks ago for my younger Brother to sell all old stuff at the garage sale :D
When it comes to "over rated" movies, the 40 Year Old Virgin ranks near the top. Not nearly as funny as portrayed, though it has a moment or two. Can cleaning out stuff ever be over rated? Thank you, Thoreau, for "simplify, simplify"...not that I ever do,
ReplyDeleteIt's funny you wrote the paragraph about finding things that remind you of old relationships. The post I have on my blog now is about that very subject.
ReplyDeleteI throw NOTHING out.....
ReplyDeleteI am so sick of gay jokes in "comedies." Just saying.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the 6 month rule! I can't stand having a lot of useless stuff and clutter. Ring in the new! :-)
I must not let Baby Puppy hear of Nocchi!
ReplyDeleteYou're not going to believe this, but my word verification is "purge."
My family is in terror of my purges. I was an Army brat, and we moved every 2 years for 20 years. Let me tell you, when you have to pack it up every 2 years, you get very discriminating about what you keep.
ReplyDeletePS thanks for your comment. I don't "know" you, but I like you. I bet that happens to you a lot;)
Nocchi is a cute little fella.