Thursday, July 16, 2009


She sits in the corner,
wishing for endings.
No more beginnings, she thinks,

because beginnings are hard and rough and willful.
Endings are soft and safe,

like chocolate chip cookies on vanilla soft serve.
Warm and gooey and happy and meek.
But endings do not ask for tomorrow.
Endings seldom fathom hope.

Endings always fail.

This Friday Flash 55 is dedicated to my guy G-Man
And someone else who is a beginning, not an ending.

Write one yourself! Dare ya'.


  1. I know I'm being thick here but what are you meant to write? I'm not very good at flowery wording. :/

    I like yours though. :)

  2. WE dragons have seen many endings and they do fail.
    Good 55

    Ours is posted

  3. Endings are only bounce for the journey back up.

  4. Interesting. Myself, I love beginnings and every ending is simply a new beginning.

  5. Joey: G-Man, who I linked to, started a tradition of writing a fictional story (it can be a story or a poem or complete nonsense) on Friday. He calls it the Friday Fiction Flash 55 and you just have to link back to him and also visit at least one other 55 that's listed in his comments. I find it addicting!

    Fandango: Thanks, I'll visit as usual!

    Grannie Annie: Awesome, I LOVE that though!

    Mama Zen: Thanks. This one may sound sad but makes me happy.

    Mark: I feel the same way - but I find it's easy to wish for simple things sometimes.

  6. You always find the perfect pics to go with these! Now I am curious about the other someone.

  7. I like to get happy endings...tee hee

  8. To me endings are worse than beginnings with nothng nice about them. Odd how different people see things with different glasses.
    A very good 55

  9. PG...I didn't so much start Friday Flash 55, I more or less revived it. But with awesome talent such as yourself, It's an honor to be exposed to such creativity and passion.
    Thank you so much for this beautiful 55..
    You Rock Rachel....G

  10. It's a good excuse to eat some cookies and Ice cream! :D Nice job...Change is inevitable.

  11. I hope the ending is happy for her!

  12. Hey Rock Star Twin. I agree with Kitty Twin, the picture is perfect. I really like this!

  13. One day I will count my words as they come tumbling out, but until then I will enjoy yours.

  14. I am definitely an 'end' person myself. Beginnings make me very nervous.
