Wednesday, July 8, 2009

He Man versus Thunder Cats

What in the world?

I sit here in the middle of the night with my daughter. She doesn't sleep like a normal person. Nope. Sleeps during the day and is up all night. Like my old cat, Escher, that used to stalk me all night long and pounce on my face when I least expected it - claws out.

So here we sit, totally ignoring each other as we sit side by side on our computers. Hey, are you emailing my friends again? They always like you better... it's the blue hair.

Anyway, the television is on in the background, as it usually is, and I'm kind of annoyed and slightly revolted by this show. It's called The Great Debate. It's kind of like "I love the 80s" type shows. Only stranger.

They just had a debate about the best cartoon hero. He Man or Thunder Cats. I'm not telling you who won, you'll just have to watch it yourself.

But it brings up a questions for me. Where in the world do they get the ideas for these shows? I remember Celebrity DeathMatch, where claymation Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera dismembered each other on MTV. Jackass is my LEAST favorite tv show ever. Ever. Why won't one of his stunts just kill that jerk once and for all? And what's up with the midget?

Now, I am able to change my mind about shows sometimes. The first time I saw SouthPark (with the girls that used to babysit Sean & Sara), I was floored. And amazed. They killed Kenny. What red blooded American mom could approve of that? Now, I love the stupid thing. Especially when there's a pageant. Or when Mr. Garrison plays with Mr. Slave and Mr. Hat.

I am, after all, the mom that used to allow the kids to cuss - but only when we went through a tunnel.

I will leave you with confirmation that television, and especially certain aspects of tv, are important to me. After all, how many other people would rip apart a pallet to create Plank, the best wooden friend a guy named Johnny, friend to Ed, Edd or Eddie could find? Does anyone else think Sarah, the annoying and bossy sister to Ed, reminds them of someone? Hey, Plank sees things. Does he see the monkey in front of him, I wonder?


  1. I used to really like Dexter's Lab. I liked the sister. She reminded me of me. Shows ya how simple I am lol.

  2. so long as the Simpsons exist, tv cannot be all bad :-)

    as for the He-man/Thunder Cat debate, a nice tangent; we were discussing He-man the other day and concluded the show was written by someone who had never been married. After all, if the writer HAD been married, they never would have a male hero saying I have THE POWER...

    I'll get me coat...

  3. Hmm... I'm completely lost reading that last paragraph... who's Ed?
    I have nothing against TV... I don't really understand why people do.
    I have told my children in regards to cussing that "bad words" are just words... they carry more weight for most people than other words so use them wisely and appropriately.

  4. I hate South Park. Sorry! Although my brother N can do a really hilarious Eric Cartman impression.

  5. I've never seen any of the programmes you've mentioned! I never watch tv at all. I don't have anything against it, just never feel the desire to turn it on. Apart from the music channels of course.
