Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A good day

I had a major misunderstanding with the man I love and we worked through it.

I had a very, very good interview at a place that seems awesome - I loved them!

I had some time with my son, was able to treat him to a special hour of alone time - and a zebra.

I added new monkeys to my world. Bowling monkeys. *shudder* The only thing better would be bowling monkeys and bacon.

I came up with a strategy for dealing with my soon-to-be-former job. It's brought me nothing but chaos and I feel much more confident that I will be able to quit really soon. Which could be tomorrow. Did I mention they asked how I want my computer set up?

My friends all called me to tell me to kick butt and take names - which I did - and to have fun and make them sell me on their company. They have a health club on site. And a basketball hoop. Conference rooms named after local outdoor activities.

I came home to a dog that found access to the kitchen garbage and laughed as I cleaned it up instead of crying. This is a big deal because a dirty dish would have brought on a fit of tears 4 days ago.

I proved someone wrong - and it was a wrong that needed to be righted.

I stood my ground with a bully and made her go away.

I saw my best friend.

I heard from my buddy Fireblossom and got lots of love from her via email. She was silly and it made me happy.

I got to remind myself what being happy feels like.

Ooh - and I got to have my dog sleep on my feet. I wonder why his breath smells like cleaning products??

Happy Tuesday everyone!


  1. I have the feeling that you are finally, finally, FINALLY in for lots more happy. And honey, no one deserves it more than you!

  2. Thank you for working through with me. There is only one Pheromone Girl! I am so proud of you this week and proud to be with you!

  3. Awesome! What a good day. Yay for you!

  4. Sounds like a good day! I had a shitty Tuesday so I'm hoping Wednesday will be better.

  5. Cleaning products?? So is his breath lemony fresh?

    And just to be clear, I am never silly. I am dour, severe and formal. ;-)

  6. I think our dogs are vaguely related...the clean-up and breath smelling of strange things rang a large bell loud enough to put a crack in it that humiliates the crack in the Liberty Bell (but is in turn humiliated by the crack in a plumbers...oh, never mind)
