Blog #1 went down the negativity path almost immediately. It was about Rose Festival and the parade that is taking place right now - which I HATE. And it was not a happy post. When I got sick of myself whining, I saved it and started over.
Blog #2 was a follow-up on a former friend and her continuing self-destructive behavior. And her intention to try to drag me into the middle of it. Save. Next!
So here I am, at the third and final attempt (I have stuff to do, have to stop this hopeless pity party) and I have no idea what I'll write about. That's awfully stellar for being 4 paragraphs in.
What can I feel positive about? The weather has settled down and even thought it's overcast, it's not dangerous. OK, good start. Um, yesterday, my son and I had the best time going for Voodoo Donuts. I indulged in a Fruit Loop. Glazed raised with marshmallow frosting and then doused with Fruit Loops. Yum. It helped improve the mood a bit for both of us.
What else? I have enough to eat, my kids are set on clothing for a bit, I'm getting my toes painted crimson on Monday. All good stuff. I'm adding tango dancing, mixed martial arts and a class on canning (yes, like pickles and okra and beans, oh my!) to my repertoire.
And yet there is a vacancy, room for more and bigger and better things. I sent off bunches of resumes this week, to places near and far. And I have a plan, finally, for school and work and kids and life in general.
If I look back at my life, it's had 3 distinctive stages. First, I was a kid and a young adult. That stage ended in 1990 and the next stage began with a complete change in attitude for me. It worked well for a long time. Now, stage 3 is ready to launch. In advertising, we'd call it a "refresh". Kind of like pushing that button on the browser bar and waiting for the newest content to show up on the page.
This should be fun.
Oh, I've seen that voodoo donut place on TV! Cool!
ReplyDeleteI think a 'refresh' is kind of exciting! I'm looking to have one of those real soon for myself (School starts on Monday!).
And, I'm sorry you feel stuck in a rut. One thing I know for sure is that these things always pass if you wait long enough! :-)
well good luck pushing buttons! Sometimes it just produces pop-ups, others it get results. Hopew you push the right ones!
ReplyDeleteI'd totally read a column bashing the Rose Festival parade ;)
ReplyDeleteI have never been to Voodoo Doughnut!
Hitting "refresh" on your life is always good unless you've mistakenly hit the back button.
ReplyDeleteF. Scott Fitzgerald famously said that there are no second acts in American lives. I think he was famously wrong. There have been several acts in mine, including two huge ones--sobriety and the one that involves having seven kinds of conditioner in my bathroom. ;-)
ReplyDeleteMost real and profound changes for the better begin with a leap of faith, at least they have for me. And I think you are just the gal to be able to come up with that. You will outshine us all, I think.
This post kind of shook me out of my own little pity party. Refresh!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you and I are at (on?) the same stage right now. Too bad we're not on a convertible going 120 mph down a scenic highway, but maybe next year. ;)
ReplyDeleteI can almost feel you soaring to greater heights. Best of luck to you, Chica, and I think it's about time I get those charms out to you, dont'cha think??
Now if I could just find your address, dammit! (I'll find it.) :)
Voodoo Donuts?
ReplyDeleteOh Yeah Baby!!!
But Wait...There's More!!
Monday?...Toes Painted?..(Gulp)..Crimson?
Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic....
One for each TOE!!
Glad to know that you have a plan in place PG...I'm hopeful and I can feel your positive vibes across the miles....across the miles Sweetie :D
ReplyDeleteWe moms can always use a little refreshing and rejuvenating! enJOY your day!
ReplyDeleteI don't think we have Voodoo donuts here in Phoenix. I'll blog it and check it.