Monday, June 8, 2009

It's the little things

I have a tendency to get overwhelmed by big picture items. Work, kids, dog, house, yard, friends... they all take up a fair chunk of my time.

But this week, I have a plan to try to feel less stress and more fun. It has everything to do with the little things.

I have a notebook that I take with me everywhere. I will write all the things that brighten my day - from a hello given by a neighbor to a compliment on the yard (see - it looks pretty! Only 6 more bags of bark and it's done. Oh, and 6 more lettuce plants. Maybe some daiseys....) to the nice toasted waffle with peanut butter, a cup of coffee poured, my son bringing me a water or a soda while I work.

I intend to document the little things and remind myself how blessed, fortunate and full of joy my life is.

(Thanks, by the way, to Debbie for her inspiring comments lately that continue to focus on the word enJOY. It works!! and you inspired me to write this and try to live this way all week.)

So, here I go, off on a very busy and exciting week. And I will keep track of every blissful moment to remember what it is that I want, need and look forward to in this world.


  1. Sounds like a great idea and your yard does look very cool!

  2. God luck on your garden! I am sure it will do well, mine has been incredible and it is early!

  3. Very good plan. Let us know how it goes. :-)

  4. Do you mind if I do it too? It sounds fun.

  5. I want to be a garden fairy in your yard. :)

    I like the notebook idea. I have a similar little book a writer friend gave me, which I will share with you soon.

  6. I'm here for the crimson toe pics....

  7. Yes Sweetie...little things that count and so glad that you take time to smell the roses :)

  8. Your house and garden are so cute!

  9. I don't know how I missed this post - but thank you so much! This brightened my day! enJOY your day!
