Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Flash 55 - sort of

Mondays child is fair of face,
Tuesdays child is full of grace,
Wednesdays child is full of woe,
Thursdays child has far to go,
Fridays child is loving and giving,
Saturdays child works hard for his living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.


He started it. And I'm not talking about my older brother hitting me first. G-Man does a weekly Friday blog of 55 words of fiction. Lots of people participate. My first attempt was last week. Now, all I can seem to do is count the number of words in people's posts.

I know I'm a little OCD, but come on!

I went looking for this Mother Goose poem because it's Friday and it's list week here at Pheromone Girl central and I thought this is an interesting kind of list - a list of ideas about what the day of your birth makes you. Do you know what day of the week the world welcomed you? I was born on a Sunday so I always thought I was kinda special, based on this list.

So, here's my final entry on List Week. It is a list of things I've discovered about people around me based on really random stuff.

1. Guys like pictures of my toes.
2. People who buy drugs at my park usually drive crappy cars
3. The funniest bloggers I know also write some of the best personal stories ever
4. Eating pudding with a fork is never a good idea
5. Wearing a bluetooth headset into the store makes anyone look like a geek. EVEN YOU.
6. You can find patterns in anything. When I retrieve my mail from the mailbox, it is more often an odd number of envelopes instead of an even number (and you'll be counting YOURS now, won't you!!)
7. Perfect moments are few and far between. When you find you're experiencing one, add it to your Pearl fishing list so you remember it forever.
8. True friends are ones who call you when your facebook status shows you're son is in the hospital ER.... so they can see which hospital and what kind of Starbucks you want at 11pm.
9. Smiles are contagious.
10. The most beautiful feeling in the world is the joy that comes from loving freely, giving outlandish presents for made-up holidays and living every moment to its fullest.

Today and every day, make your list. And don't check it twice. Just start a new one!


  1. That FF55 business is addictive, isn't it? I've only been doing it a few weeks myself.

  2. I'm not a guy, but I really want to see a picture of your toes now.
    (Did your son have to go to the ER?)

  3. Cool list!! I find that you are one of the funny ones that write some kick-ass personal stories as well...and I ADORE that about you, Chica!!

    #5 is hilarious! ("EVEN YOU"...I love it!!)

    I love #8 and especially #10. You rock, girl friend!

    PS - What's your favorite drink at Starbuck's anyway??

  4. I can relate.. I just found the Friday flash 55 this I had to give it a I am counting words on every page I visit! Jeesh

  5. I love your list. And, since I'm a whole lot OCD, I can vouch that there are patterns EVERYWHERE!

  6. Ahahahahahaha...

    I'm glad the toe-lovers are on top of the heap!

    And we need the OCD'ers of the world to keep the non-counters honest!!

    Excellent 55 PG.

    You are smart, witty, and always either make me think or smile.

    Thank you so much for playing today..

    Have a Great Week-End...Galen

  7. Here is a "inside joke" on someone else's blog who is not privy to it. I have such good taste...

    you said, "Eating pudding with a fork is never a good idea.

    Thart is why KFC invented Sporks...

  8. never would try it. My blog is for my heart and it seems to be boundless!

  9. Thank you for #5! I just HATE that.

  10. what a coincidence...I went about updating mother goose nursery rhymes too, two days ago!

    great 55ve!

  11. I do not think I could do anything in 55 words, I just keep rambling

  12. Great list!
    It made me think about what I would put in my list...
    : )
