Thursday, May 28, 2009

Under covers

When I was a little girl, I used to hide under the covers with my best friend and very cool neighbor, Jean. She was a year younger and very quiet and shy, just like me.

We'd spend our Saturday afternoons watching Monster Movies - Godzilla, Gamera, Mothra.... and hide under blankets when we got creeped out by the giant monster on the humongous 14" color tv screen. Under the covers was safe from anything and we would tell each other secrets where nobody else could hear us.

We also liked to make tents and spend hours under the blankets reading our favorite books. For me, it was Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House. For her, it was Nancy Drew mysteries. I'd imagine myself in a family where dad loved his kids, worked hard and was kind. She imagined danger and adventure.

As we grew up and grew out of the monster movie stage, our lives went in different directions. I still think of her fondly - and I'm especially grateful for her introduction of under the covers. For me, that's a perfect place to feel safe and to share.


  1. Wow, something else I've never done! There again I never read as a child! Too busy listening to my Mum screaming at my Dad.

    Actually I never watched monster movies either! Seems I didn't have a life even as a child!

  2. I just think it is great the way the most important friendships of our youth can have a positive impact on how we interact with others even if we lose touch with the initial friend

  3. very quiet and shy, just like me.

    *This is a joke, right?*

    I only hid under the covers with a friend once - we thought we had seen bear tracks in the snow outside the house (this was in Minnesota.) It turned out to be footprints from the plumber!

  4. You bring back great memories! Under the covers are great times!

  5. That's so sweet. And yea, like Darth Weasel says the important friendships of our youth can have such a positive influence even when they are no longer in our lives. I've recently reunited with a best friend from my youth and it has been so fun hanging out with her.

  6. Joe: Your childhood sounds eerily familiar. I prescribe a tent in the dining room made from sheets.
    Darth: Excellent sentiment!
    RK: You just never get to see my quiet side. I have to keep up with you!
    Mark: Agreed. My home ofice is my room. Do the math...
    Dawn: I love reunions! Hooray for reconnecting.

  7. Great mysteries are read and discovered under the covers! Woo-hoo! ;)

    Seriously, I loved those Friday afternoon horror movies. They were called "Frightening Flickers," remember??

  8. Excuse, me I seem to have a vision problem here. Did RK just say that she was quiet and shy? Or am I losing my mind? ;-)

  9. I loved those movies when I was a kid!

    Believe it or not, my word verification is: monstr!

  10. Oh to be under cover....with someone....special...

  11. This is hysterical. I swear we lived parallel childhoods. I had my n eighbor/best friend Gooby who was a year younger than me and we built forts/tents in his house with blankets. Me and Gooby are still best friends today. BTW, didn't you hate the Godzilla movies with the baby Godzilla?
