Thursday, April 2, 2009

Slow and Steady

Home stretch time on a big project. I've been trying to stay focused which can be tough with a boy requiring medical intervention, an anxious daughter and a dog needing veterinary care. Oh, and visits from lots of old friends I haven't seen in a coons age (I love that saying!)

So I'll be brief. Really.

I had someone ask me what I did for myself this week (um, I'm a MOM? what do you mean by this "do for yourself" thingy?)

This week, for myself, I:

Spoke with 5 friends on the phone
Wrote a blog a day and commented on many friends wonderful stories
Bought a gift for myself and a close friend to share (can you say pedicure?!?!)
Had a honey lavender steamer at my facorite coffee shop last night (heaven in a cup)
Backed up the kids computers (to avoid the evil, April 1st virus that so far hasn't hit. But will. And I would have been cut off from the world...)
Made plans for a trip north to visit one of my best friends
Met an old high school buddy for coffee - and laughed for an hour straight
Donated my time to a worthy organization
Saw a sunrise
Walked the dog

I could go on but I guess you get the picture. Little stuff done in between the big stuff makes me happy. And I like the slow, steady pace most of my days take on. Much better than the chaos of working 60 hours a week and trying to have a family life on top of that, let alone keeping from losing my mind.

So, today, I'm grateful for the pace, and my friends. Even for my silly daughter who wants her computer back. Go be grateful for something, already!!


  1. What a productive day! I have a 15 year old son, who always asks for my laptop! I'm the one asking for it back! Have a super day!

  2. I like the saying 'in a coon's age' too. Especially as NO-ONE in the UK has ever heard of it. Nothing like that look of blank incomprehension at my Anglo-american turns of phrase.
    I have to ask though. Do you have people calling racist on it? I mean I know it refers to actual RAcoons, not the egregious racial slur, but I have heard people get up in arms for less. (My favourite was the woman who yelled at me for using the "sexist" phrase 'manual work'. Yay for edjoocayshun! Thanks for stopping by my blog by the way. sorry to ramble. This is where the name comes form...

  3. Cheffie-Mom: I think somewhere along the line I lost the battle for computer supremacy. But is that so bad? Otherwise I'd be on 24/7!

    WG: Thanks for coming by. "Manual work" as sexist - I actually had to say it out loud to get there, that's how silly that female type person was. And no, I've never had anyone take offense at my provocative use of Coon - and I consider myself politically correct to a fault. But will it stop me...? Nah!

  4. Add to the stress - your friend RK and her manic panic about the f.p.p. (fucking pathetic pervert.) You are the best! What is a lavender steamer?

  5. The fpp can take a viagra and call someone else in the morning, babe.

    For all who are interested - a Honey Lavender Steamer (furthermore to be known as an HLS) is kind of like a chai but with honey and lavender water instead of chai in the steamed, frothy milk. It's heaven in a cup and available in Sellwood at The Ugly Mug. Pedi's and a HLS, miss Kitty? We should find Manic Panic and get matching toes!!!

  6. Glad you found some time for yourself! I can't say I'd spend my spare time doing the things you did, but good for you!

    Does Riot Kitty know everyone on the internet!! ;)

  7. I'm grateful that I'm on Spring Break as of an hour ago! Woo-hoo! :)

    You have me craving a honey and lavendar steamer, which I haven't tried yet! I'm just missing the high school friend...I would LOVE to meet up with one of those. Soon enough, I guess.

    Have a fantastic weekend! Btw, you should call me sometime and say HOLA. :)

  8. Joe: YES, Riot Kitty knows everyone on the planet!

    Scarlet: I would love to get us all one. If you ever make your way to the colder coast, we'll do the town, steamers included! (They make me sleepy - perfect after a long day of shopping and a nice bottle of wine! I'll call soon!!
