Thursday, April 2, 2009

Me me me me me me me....

Well, I was NOT tagged by Riot Kitty and I'm still pouting, but I stole over to MikeDs page and am taking up his request for memes.


1. Post six random funny things about other people.
2. Then tag six other bloggers.
3. Link to the person who tagged you.
4. Be FUNNY.

Here goes.
1. I have a friend who firmly believes that all illnesses - mental and otherwise - can be cured if her friend, who can sense these things, looks at you and tells you what number is missing from "the sequence". You have people chant this missing number, write it and put it under your pillow and you'll be healed or wealthy or whatever you want. I can just picture someone sitting next to me as I sleep.... "Seven, seven, seven..."

2. The mother of a VIP in my life used to shop more than her husband liked. When he said, with a touch of scorn, "Is that a new dress?" she'd say, "Oh, no, this old thing? I've had this forever..." (having purchased it and left it in the closet for a month.) This is the same woman who had more car accidents because of "Acts of God" (You know, "Officer, a person jumped out to save a pupy falling for a 7th floor window and I had to swerve to avoid killing them both. That's how I hit the fire hydrant...")

3. When I was in high school, we had opposite day. One of my male friends wanted to dress up in a dress and be female. He borrowed a pink skirt and jacket from me and wore them, along with a nice pair of pumps, all day. And he never gave them back. I think I saw him dressed in said skirt at a club once, years later...

4. The funniest thing I have EVER heard is the sound of massive cussing coming out of my sweet, 14 year old son's mouth as he plays Dead Rising. "Mom, they're zombies. They piss me off as I fucking blow them away!"

5. My son did a dance for the camera once and I figured he'd never forgive me for saving it - until the day he asked me to post it on the internet. Turn up your volume...

6. To be fair to my son, the girl in the house needs her moment of shame - I mean in the sun. She is funniest when not saying a word.


  1. Hey! I tagged you, remember?
    Your kids are awesome!

  2. You are correct, WG, but I'd written this before I got tagged by you (I feel so LOVED!!) and had technical difficulties posting it. Yes, I had to ask the kids to help me. Sigh...

  3. I did not tag you because the last time I tagged you, you never did the meme or acknowledged my tag! Stop pouting! :)

  4. Great kids!

    I still haven't done my meme yet. I'm finding it hard to be funny, even funny about other people!

    Number 3 was quite cute. :D

  5. Cute kids! Wow, your son is quite the expressive one. Does he spend much time around Riot Kitty by any chance? ;)

    I used to be guilty of your #2 (the first part) but now when my husband asks if something is new, I tell him, "Brand spankin'...and I paid FULL PRICE for it, baby!" ;)

    PS - "Seven, seven, seven..." Good number!

  6. Glad I was able to help. Those are great! :)

    Hope that didn't come up twice, I can never tell with the approval thing. Oh well--now you have two messages!

  7. #1 had me laughing, largely because my better half and cousin both believe they are psychic. So at the last poker party, they decided to prove they were psychic. One would hold up a card and the other would guess.
    Goose:(holding up card)
    Shel-bel: "2 of Diamonds."
    Goose: "Nope, King of clubs."

    and so forth. Finally, they started trying to guess suits.

    Then just colors, red or black. And with a 50-50 chance, were hitting about 20%.

    And somehow, someway decided the 3 they got right in about 40 attempts overall indicated they had some level of psychic powers.

    Methinks your friend needs to figure out their missing number...
