Today was spent with a fabulous friend that's known me since I was a kid. We had a blast, caught up, are getting to know each other all over again. I get to be a part of the new phase of her life that began when she was sidelined with a house fire. A devastating one. And then came me. Because of this fire, she had the time and motivation to go on facebook and find me.
Pizza and salad (we both ordered and love the same thing). She drives like I do (and I blame her - I learned to drive watching Traci). Yes, people, there are two of us on the road. I love her big truck (I have major truck envy going today) and I love HER. To pieces. The picture of the Duster is similar to the car she drove when we hung out in high school. It's like the last 24 years just melted away and now we get to pick up the story where we left off.
You're all a part of my story. And I feel like telling secrets. Here goes....Should I whisper?
1. I don't like mushrooms (but I'll eat portabellos if they're marinated and grilled)

2. I'm very ticklish. Very, very ticklish. I was once tickled to the point of crying and the boy who did it was not amused at the result.
3. I'm addicted to text messaging. I never feel lonely as long as my phone is nearby. I get happy when I see I got something from a certain someone.
4. I collect monkeys. The kind with velcro hands that hang on things. My three are named (in the order I received them): Rabies, Asthma and Syphillus. Don't even ask.
5. My happiest lifetime accomplishment is teaching my children to cook. They cook well. My work is done.

It's not really a meme, but I'd love to hear secrets if you want to share.
I have one of those monkeys hanging from one of the big round lights over my bathroom mirror. He is not named after a disease though! You crack me up. :-)
ReplyDeleteI don't like mushrooms either!
ReplyDeleteI'm not ticklish
I never text, ever.
I quite like monkeys
And I hate cooking!! My kids can't cook either.
So we do at least have one thing in common!
I have a friend who has one of the flying monkeys that screams when its arms are released. He works for a bus company.One day he attached it inside a co-workers bus so that when she opened the door in the morning, it came flying and screaming at her.
ReplyDeleteI have decided, therefore, that between that, my boss at work calling himself Lemur the other day, and Rabies, Asthma and Syphilis, monkey jokes are by definition hilarious.
She is lucky to have found you - as am I! Interesting meme idea...
ReplyDeleteI have lots of 'secrets' and one of them is I really don't like my MIL's cooking ;( But I am ever so appreciative of her cooking during the weekdays and I love her for them.
ReplyDeleteSo to show my love to her, I eat :)
Fireblossom: I'll write about how my first monkey, Rabies, got his name one of these days. I do try to be entertaining and am glad you had a laugh!
ReplyDeleteJoe: We have something in common! Besides being totally cool people! But what else really matters. You'd be cool even if you loved mushrooms!
Darth: Monkey jokes = hilarious. Was there ever any doubt?
RK: I'll look for this to make its way on to your blog one of these days.
I promise not to call you a copycat!
Shionge: Nobody will tell - it's wonderful of you to just accept it and appreciate her for trying. Everything my mother ever cooked was blackened and hard as a hockey puck. I didn't know meat was actually RED until I was a teenager.