Elu all the bloggers that read my mums blog Hehe. Its sara for my second time stealing her blog for a day. This time Im actually writing it and not just telling her what to write, so youll see the difference because the ammount of emoticons I use and the crappy spelling that I dont check ;D I hope I dont bore you with my "verbal diahreea" as my brother calls it XD
Sooooo today started with us sitting in the comfort inn in kennewick and we wanted to leave that area ASAP, well mom and sean did. I wanted to sit and rot my brain watching tv because I felt All we did was drive for the past few days. We decided to go eat and I made waffles, they have these nifty machines that make them perfect, ro are supposed to haha, but I liked the crispyness It was like funnel cake :O So then I lazilly put my bags togethor and around 12noon we left the hotel and got out of the horrid place [the hotel was fine...the city sucked in my mind XP]
After that we sang weird all songs like albequerky and such at the top of our lungs as we drove in the middle of freaking no where land. It was interesting...I didnt see any tumble weed tumbling though D:< I was mad...I saw alot stuck on plants and fences thou.
After that advernture in no wheres ville we stopped in ritzville for some food. What a small town 0-o Ive rarley been in such a small place the only fast food was The evil McDonalds, a subway attached to a gas station, a dennys like thing that scared me, and a little hole in the wall burger joint which we chose to eat at. It was cute :3 I hated the country music in the background thou, But it was fun getting weird looks from small town people as they saw my hair/platform shoes/and cat ears. Oh and these guys in line saw my moms awesome playboy talent scout shirt and needed a picture HAHA I thought It was fun, my brother thought they were creepers or something. But cmon a pretty city girl with long hair and a playboy talent scout shirt, what do you expect them to do XP
After that we headed to spokane [I dont understand why in english we add extra E's and crap at the end of words, it makes me confused and angry...I cant wait to finish learning japanese so I never have to think in english again] But back to the story thing, On the way sean and mom sang songs and I took a nap after playing solitare on my ipod and listening to basshunter *dances* Then we got to the fancy shmancy hotel and I was half asleep...as usual. It was cool I have really never been in hotels in the first place so Seeing one like this after two other ones I thought were nice made me go "Ho crapola!" to the tile and kindless and stuff.
We unpacked for the 3rd time? it is becoming a routine I think. Im glad we are using the carts now...the first time we didnt and It was a pain in the arse. After that we were lazy and watched random tv. Then mum left and sean and I played zombie shooter games and tried not to scream profanities at the tv because there are probably children around our room somewhere XD Umm and yeah then these people above us were being lame and making lost of noise and giving sean and I a headache...so I called the front desk and they were freakishly nice, and fixed it. Oh and we have a mini mart thing in the hotel it rox, I think Ive eaten mroe crap this week than any other...guess I need to walk ezzy a few times when I get home to get back into sara happy shape ;D
Then mum got home, and sean and I were laying here watching south park or something. And I got pop tarts from her fried! wewt, best gift ever. Hehe :B And umm then we said goodnight to dad...and were lazy and watched the daily showw...and umm yeah haha now im laying in bed at midnight and a half oclock while sean and mum sleep. I really want to colour more on my photoshop like program GimP but I need me some sleepies or ill miss the free brakefast OH NOES!
So yeah I hope I can write more sometime :D I will hopefully be making my own blog ASAP but I have so much to do with needing to study for my GED and sleeping, and working on my art, and posting my art on DA[deviantart.com] And such, but i will get to it ;D Also thanks for the fun comments on my last blog, Its great to hear from you awesome people. :3 Also after I upload the pictures Of the trip I might change the picture I posted, I just chose a recent one of me from before we left[its our park im at] I miss my park and my ezmond who is smelllly and my loverly rats のーち[nocchi] and ぴぬち[pinuchi] So im sad to leave the awesome places soon ish but excited to see my pets and my doodie [my dad hehe] and have my bed!
So goodnight to you all, or how I say that in my more favorite language おやすみなさい!
Hope to hear from you and stuff :D
~Sara / さら