Tuesday, August 4, 2009


My son turned 15 yesterday. There was a 6am wake-up to open presents (totally not my idea, by the way) and he was thrilled with a couple new games for his XBox, a Fantasty Football roster (he kicks but at choosing winners) and a CD he's been searching for. But birthdays and Christmas have been pretty lean over the last couple years and I wanted to do something really special for my hard working kid.

His last gift to open did something that nothing has in years. He was blown away - so much so that he yelled "sweet!" and the dog had to come see what was going on.

You see, Sean got a new iPod. But not just any iPod, an iTouch. I probably should have used the money to bail out the postal service, but Sean is worth a little extra splash this year. Besides, new toy and a son that shares? I know there will be movies watched in a tent, music to share and a very happy guy to enjoy.

As I went back to bed, I thought about all the great things Sean does without being asked. He washes windows when the dog nose prints get so bad that you can't see out. He wakes his 16 year old sister (not an easy task, let me tell you) and makes sure the dog gets walked. He cooks meals and does dishes and feeds the pup, too. He is the go to guy for bug killing and drink pouring. He takes walks with me, buys me breakfast whenever I let him and hardly ever asks for anything for himself. He gives the best hugs when I'm down, too.

His choice of places for lunch was a nice restaurant in downtown Portland called SouthPark. He celebrated his 15th birthday not with a burger and fries (although he stole some of mine) but a farmers plate with prosciutto, smoked sausage, goat cheeses, fruit and crusty french bread. Oh, and Mango lemonade. The whole time we ate, we talked about wanting to eat more like this at home. We're going to look for a good Italian deli and make our own version of this wonderful kind of meal.

And a good birthday is a very good thing. Did I mention there were pirates at the black light mini golf?

Personally, the only pirate that would be interesting to me would be one that's just like Sean. Kind, thoughtful, funny, loyal and smart. He even let his mom win. On his birthday. What more can I say?


  1. Aww... Sweet!! Happy Birthday, Sean!!

  2. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Sean!!

  3. Wish your son belated birthday wishes !!Nice and blasting post..Unseen Rajasthan

  4. Loving that shirt Sean is wearing in the top photo! I want it!

    Happy birthday!

  5. What a cutie pie....and, a good kid on top of that. How nice for you.

    Being a mom to two sons, I love the special relationship between moms and their boys... : )

    Wishing him one day late birthday wishes!


  6. Happy Birthday to your cool son! He's gorgeous AND sweet...what more can you ask for??

  7. See all you get is good kids!
    That is special!

  8. Oh, wait - he likes the JERSEY. Better yet... Bengals colors...

  9. Lou, Dawn, Cheffie-Mom, Unseen Rajasthan, Grammie, Scarlet & Whitemaist: Thanks! I passed along your kind wishes.

    Hey, RK: We need to get Joey an Invader Zim shirt! Do you know what size he wears?

  10. Lovin the South Park jams!

    A very happy birthday to Mr. Handsome Young Man there. :-)

  11. Happy Birthday---

    Rocking out the Gir t-shirt. Mike D approves!

    What's a vereco (my word vertification)?

  12. Add my best birthday wishes, along with the wish the world overall had more people like Sean

  13. He's a looker PG. Happy Birthday to Sean. I want an Ipod touch too...April.
