I loved the movie Buckaroo Banzai in the 8th Dimension. Total 80s camp, Jeff Goldbloom, and crazy aliens who's names all started with John (I loved John Yaya & John Bigbooty best). Bad love songs, intestine eating slugs and Perfect Tommy rounded out my favorite good/bad movie.
There's a line in it, where the posse of crime-busting, rock and roll scientists is playing at a club and, in all its randomness, the most interesting phrase is interjected. "Always remember...Wherever you go, there you are." Is there anything deeper, more meaningful or more interesting than a coin of phrase that says it all?
Life has been difficult for these past few months. I've made it through the war, past a number of land mines, and am relatively unscathed at this point. Lets hope that continues.
Because, after all, life is not about what you order at Starbucks (triple venti mocha, please) it's about the people who touch our lives and who's lives we touch.
I'm going to try to be in the moment (maybe starting tomorrow, the moments of this day have been too hard) and live like I have what I want and I want what I have.
Last night, someone called me a storyteller. If that's the case, then I guess there's work to be done. Work. Damn, I was hoping for a nice afternoon at the spa...
Well, for me, life IS what I order at Starbucks! Just kidding. Yes, what you have is good, but you will get more and better stuff because your karma will bring it to you! Not to sound all new agey...just seriously. The law of probability says some good things should be coming your way.