We are the product of our environment, after all. I seem to fall into old patterns when things go sideways - as the past 2 years will prove.
I felt like I don't deserve a decent job
or decent house
or a decent pet
let alone a decent relationship
But my daughter reminded me today, bless her heart, of all the things I DO RIGHT. That's correct. Things at which I do an acceptable job. Are you ready? Join in and make your own list.
1. I can bake cookies. Homemade ones. Chocolate chip, oatmeal, snicker doodle, cowboy, peanut butter, fudge... that, by itself, makes me a good mom.
2. I am infinitely patient. As more than half an hour in a freezing car outside the library, waiting for said daughter to emerge with the latest excuse for taking so long, will confirm.
3. I'm the cool mom. We do fun stuff. Zoo trips to take pictures of poo, homeschooling to include Journalism through the eyes or the readers of the Weekly World News, dog training with steak as motivation, music appreciation via Brian Setzer Concerts at the age of 5.
4. I can make the best of every situation. I'm alone, have little income and a pit bull, but seemed to have found a really awesome new place to call home today. Amazing (see picture, above).
5. I BELIEVE. That good things come to those that work their butts off. That love given is returned tenfold. That there's nothing better than homemade pumpkin pie, a fake tree full of sparkly white lights and a fresh coat of paint on Christmas morning. In 2008. And we won't go without Christmas this year.
6. The future will be what I make it. 2009, watch out. I have lots to prove and even more energy to throw out there. Anybody want to come feed the ducks in my new front yard - a 55 acre park full of ducks, casting ponds, basketball hoops and teeter-totters? My door is always open to my friends, old and new. Email me for the address... we have room to spare and a couch if you need a place to crash. Nobody will be turned away. If I have a crust of bread, I'll share it. And the universe will always provide.
7. I have two completely phenomenal kids that love each other (when they're not trying to poison each other) and a bunch of friends for whom I would do anything and vice versa, and a really cool dog that, although not perfect, warms my feet and walks with me and adores me. No matter what.
Good god, you deserve it! I want to personally go out and scream obscenities at all of the motherfuckers who tried to convince us we were undeserving in the first place.
ReplyDelete(I hope I'm not one of the flying monkeys.)
I hear you....after reading your last post too. I am also ready to put a nail in the coffin of 2008 and kiss it goodbye. sounds like you more than deserve a banner 2009....and your daughter, who is a reflection of you, is right for reminding you of all the things you do well. you sound like an amazing woman...keep having people remind you for now while it is easy to forget.
ReplyDeleteit will get better!
a wise woman who comments on your blog often told me that ...and then also included her ever wise note " don't let the motherfuckers get you down". She was/is right! It's just hard to always see and feel that.